Sunday, April 1, 2007

Activity # 5 Themes of Arts

As you look at the drawing of the "Horse Head" by Picasso the first theme that comes to mind is Art& Art. The theme Art and Art is based on elements and priciples of design, which is ment to be looked at just for enjoyment. The real theme of the painting is actually Politics and social order , which reflects the society. This is because the "Horse Head" is actually a sketch for the painting of Guernica which picasso used to condemn the violence that fascism unleashed against ordinary citizens in Guernica.
The 'Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci on the other hand uses the theme Looking inward: The Human Experience. This theme involves human emotion. The sitter in the painting exhibits this by showing a little emotion with the slight smeark and gaze in her eyes.

Work Cited
Interview with Brew. 2-27-07 3:25pm

Getlein, Mark."Living With Art". 8th Edition. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008

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