Sunday, April 1, 2007

Movement and Style

< Movement in art can be defined as the "tendency or style in art with a specific common philosophy or goal followed by a group of artist during a period of time".The "Mona Lisa" is a 16th century painting created by Learnodo de Vinci during the Renesisance period (Italian Renesisance) in Italy. The Italian Renesisance Movement was the movement when intrest in the culture of classical contiquity was renewed, spanning through the 14th and 16th century. The style used in the "Mona Lisa" is representational.The style representational means to present again the visible world in such a way that we recognize a likeness. He represented the sitter in the real world and used a naturalistic approach to do so. Naturalistic art closely resembles the forms it protrays.

The "Horse Head" from Guernica is a 20th century painiting created by Piccaso, in Spain during the modernism movement. "Modernism is a tendency rooted in the idea that the "traditional" forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, social organization and daily life had become outdated; therefore it was essential to sweep them aside". The style of the "Horse Head" is Abstract. Abstract is descritptive of art in which the forms of the visual world are purposefully simplified, fragmented, or otherwise distorted.Style referes to characteristic or group of characteristics that we recognize as constant, recurring,or coherent.

1 comment:

Anne Brew said...

Dear Itota,
As discussed in class the Renaissance was not a movement. But it had a culture and that was Italian - mainly.

Consider citing the quotes used.