From the first time i saw the movie on Andy Warhol and his art work i knew that i was going to do my remix on him. I did my remix on his art work because it was inspiring to see an artist that influenced the pop culture use objects that we are familiar with like celebrities, money, campbell soup cans and anything that inspired or fasinated him in his art work. I liked the campbell soup cans because it looked like an advert, which actually expressed his early career in magazine illustration and advertising. I used that as my cover to my altered book, with a small image of a silkscreen print of Elvis in the center and a quote that i got from the article "The silksscreens were actually a mistake". On the back i added a Japenese symbol at the bottom of the book. Inside i used screen prints of money, of a gun, of celebrities like
Muhammad Ali, Marilyn Monroe and Jackie.O, i also used some things that inspire me like my screen print of a basketball. I cut most of them and reorganized them to express my destructive side( also the book had a chapter dealing with cutting).For example the screen print of Jackie.O i cut looks like 2 kisses upside down. His art work inspired me to make an another remix.I took an old Record album and got images of albums he designed like the velvet underground( a group he sponsered), 2 covers for the Rolling Stones and a cover for John Lennon. Inside the album there was a pop up were i put images of screen prints of celebrities that i used with the book with some images of the albums he worked on. The quotes i used are "Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes" and "Land really is the best art". On the recored i placed a CD with his name and dollar signs around it, in the center of the recored( a kind of old meets new). I burnt some sonds from the album covers he worked on. I used this remix to express music as art.
Work cited
"Modern Myths": Andy Warhol, Barry Blinderman interview conducted August 1981 in Warhol's Factory. Orginiallly published in ARts Magazine (Oct. 1981)
Jeanne Siegel
DaCapo Press, Inc
New York
Pg . 15-23
“Andy Warhol.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Mar. 2007. 19 Mar. 2007

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